Thursday, March 6, 2014

First Post-Hello!


If you are reading this, I am honored to say that you have stumbled across my fist blog post.  I think I should begin with a little introduction before I expose you to my general nerdiness.  My name is Ann and I am a 27 year old college student from the Dallas/Fort Worth area. I am currently trying to earn my Associates Degree in teaching before I segue into library technology and become a children's librarian. Yay books! (insert an Agnes from Despicable Me-esque song about books here)

In the two and a half years that I have lived in the state of Texas, I have searched my local Toys-R-Us, toy stores, dug through bins at flea markets,  and  have scoured the dealer room at many local conventions for toys and comics.  It is safe to say that I love anything of the action figure variety. My main collections range from My Little Pony, She-Ra and He-Man to any super hero related figures . I have absolutely swooned over a Masters of the Universe Fright Zone play-set before purchasing it. I know the utmost joy that finding a toy from your childhood (that you either had or dreamed about) can bring to someone.

I have also been known to cosplay at local conventions as well.  If you are unfamiliar with this term, cosplaying is when a person decides to dress up as their favorite character- be it from a comic, television show, whatever.


Here is the part of my blog where I explain the other half of my user-name. In addition to being a female of the super nerdy persuasion, I also have a disability.  I was born with a mild form of Spastic Cerebral Palsy  (hence the gimp part of my user-name) and because of my disability I have to use a mobility aid.

 Does this stop my desire to dress up? NO.

 (Me as Rainbow Dash at Dallas Comic and Pop Expo)

Am I doomed to cosplay Barbara Gordon as Oracle for the rest of my cosplaying days? NO.

 ( side note: If you haven't already, go read the Killing Joke by the great Alan Moore. seriously. DO IT! It is one of my FAVORITE story lines in comics, EVER. I cried for DAYS... because I cry at everything)

Will I eventually cosplay as Barbara Gordon as Oracle? Yes, because I love her. This is not because she has a disability but because she is a strong female and AWESOME.

Was I ever apprehensive because I am cosplaying with my walker? Yes, and honestly I still am (usually for the first 15 minutes upon entering the con.)

here is where I let you in on a secret... ready?

The cosplaying/convention community here is so full of love for others dressing up and showing love for their fandoms.  sure there might be jerks that think, oh that girl is too chubby to be______  or girls can't possibly *really* like Star Wars. Thankfully, that sort of thinking is becoming more and more rare. With the explosion of comic book movies onto the big screen and shows like the big bang theory being shown I think this is the best time to be a nerd.

So, Join me on my quest to share my nerdiness and improve my costuming!  Please? I am burdened with glorious purpose.

-Ann A.K.A. The Nerdy Gimp


  1. Yay! You are pretty and awesome!!! :)

  2. That's one thing I love about the con community, the nice people far outnumber the assholes. The only people that I ever see making fun of someone that is overweight or disabled or in some way not the "perfect" cosplay is someone that doesn't even do it. Those that do know it is a courageous act to display your fandom in such a way, as you're putting yourself on display, warts and all. Oh, and that Rainbow Dash pic is awesome :-P

    1. Exactly, if the people that criticize someone that actually took the time to hunt down materials, make stuff for their costumes, & had the guts to wear it I doubt they would make such comments. I have always said from my very first con experience that conventions for me, feel like being home. I do not feel like there is any other place (other than my home, obviously) that I can be myself 100 percent. At cons there is so much love and acceptance that I wish would boil over into every day life.
